Another election is drawing closer. I will sit this one out, what with work and personal life keeping me busy. You can read calm, reasoned coverage from Sigma1. You can follow the insider view from GlobalTalk 21. Or the opinionated, passionate writing from Shisaku.
But my recommended reading is Our Man In Abiko and his day-by-day election diary. He is no more knowledgeable about the political future of Japan than any pundit out there, but he knows it. He dispenses with the politics in short order and wraps it in very well-written slice-of-life essays instead. Go read it; it's good stuff. And you'll be just as informed as if you'd spent the time reading op-ed pages and political blogs.
I wasn't quite sure if I was getting the right balance between long tales of my dull life and short takes on the goings on of the higher-ups, so I'm very glad to hear you are enjoying my efforts.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the recommendation. It means a lot to me.
Don't stop. I'm hugely enjoying it. I know other people are too.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I won't stop, it's like a marathon. I may hit a wall that makes me dig deep to find 1,000 words worth reading every day (for a month)... I may not succeed in the quality every day, but I will keep the quantity, dammit. Even if I have to use lots of adjectives to reach my daily quota.
ReplyDeleteGotta run...