Friday, January 15, 2010

Back again (again)

Came back from Hokkaido again last night. I have some deadlines coming up so not much time to post, but in short Hokkaido has lots of snow; Rusutsu ski resort is comfortable and pleasant; the skiing looked great but I never had time to actually do any; the workshop itself was well worth the trip; and amusement parks look pretty cool when they're closed over winter and covered in snow.


  1. Hi, Janne! It's me, Shinichi Nozawa, a doctor course student in Tokyo Institute of Technology. We talked a lot and enjoyed in the log house of Rusutsu. It was also nice to talk about spontaneity and randomness in front of my poster. We are far from each other but the internet connect us beyond time and space. What a convenient time! I hope a next occasion to
    see you. Thank you !

  2. 野沢さん、こんにちは!前日はお疲れさまでした。It was great fun meeting you, discussing the research and about what randomness could be. I'm really looking forward to see what experiment you'll do next! There's so much you can do with that basic idea that I'm really a little envious. I'm sure we'll run into each other again on another meeting, and you can show your newest results.


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