Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bling on Wheels

The New Year's "holiday" this year was largely anything but. Some heavy time pressures had me working most of the time, and a very serious family emergency had us sit and worry rather than relax and enjoy the season when I didn't. I've had little time or inclination to write here. Things are very stressful still, but the itch to post is getting bad, so I'm squeezing in a quick seasonal picture post.



Sogo department store in Shinsaibashi has this customized Mercedes Benz convertible on display. It's completely covered in crystals - Swarowski crystals, thousands and thousands of them. If Liberace was alive he'd be pulling out his checkbook just about now.

Better still, they had a drawing over the New Year for the chance of riding down Midōsuji street - the most fashionable street in Osaka - in the car. No, we didn't apply. Kind of wish we had, though.


  1. Aj då. Låter inte bra med family emergency. Hoppas att allt ordnade sig till det bästa!

  2. Det verkar gå vägen nu. Ett tag såg det ut som att vi skulle till Serige på stört, dock. En nackdel med att bo så här är att det är riktigt, riktigt långt att åka om någon i familjen blir allvarligt sjuk eller skadad.

  3. what type of car is this a custimized mercedes benz ...


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